Welcome to the
Meat Cathedral
Nitzer23he/theybi/pan sexual+romanticI won't go too into my problems, but I'm a t1 diabetic with sadbrains lol

Current Fandoms (no particular order or prominence)
Jojo's Bizarre Adventure
Devilman/Violence Jack/Cutie Honey
One Piece
Yokai Watch
Metal Gear
Dragonball Z/GT (yet to watch Super)
Astro Boy
Before You Follow
I don't allow any minors (under 17) following me. If you don't have an age listed where I can easily find it I will softblock you.
I don't really tag anything (I try to avoid posting spoilers when I can) and post NSFW and horror images with no tag, please be warned if you don't want said content.
I think it goes without saying that if you're far right, trans-exclusionary or against consensual sex work that it's gonna be awkward. Don't be a headass.
I'm a VERY one-track minded person, so if you're following me for one fandom or character, please don't get offended if I jump from one to another to another in the span of a month or even week. I never forget a fandom/character and don't usually fully drop one, it's just not always in my hyperfocus.
But over all, use your proper discretion when following me and we'll get along fine. I try to be friendly and would probably love to get to know you!